Elder Law

What Helps Create the Best End-Of-Life Plan?

When facing the end of life, patients and their families must make difficult decisions about continuing curative treatments or moving to pain management and comfort care. Futurity’s recent article entitled “Communication is Key to Guide Patients to Best End-Of-Life Plan” explains that using six months of observational data from a hospital in a Midwestern town, researchers found many […]

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Can You Believe Aging Parents Grow Stubborn and They Know It?

Studies show that adult children complain that their parents are stubborn and that the parents themselves admit this. Considerable’s recent article entitled “Why are your aging parents so stubborn? Researchers think they have the answer” explains that as children become more involved, they may make suggestions for things that older adults might do to maintain their safety and

Can You Believe Aging Parents Grow Stubborn and They Know It? Read More »

Will I Live Longer if I Babysit the Grandchildren?

There’s a growing body of research that supports the notion that grandparents will live longer if they babysit the grandchildren. Parents with young children can know that their parents and their children are getting benefits from babysitting time together, says Considerable’s June article entitled “Grandparents who babysit a grandchild live longer, study finds.” Considerable spoke with Dr. David Coall,

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